

Metrics are published using Micrometer; they are available from Polaris’s management interface (port 8282 by default) under the path /q/metrics. For example, if the server is running on localhost, the metrics can be accessed via http://localhost:8282/q/metrics.

Metrics can be scraped by Prometheus or any compatible metrics scraping server. See: Prometheus for more information.

Additional tags can be added to the metrics by setting the polaris.metrics.tags.* property. Each tag is a key-value pair, where the key is the tag name and the value is the tag value. For example, to add a tag environment=prod to all metrics, set polaris.metrics.tags.environment=prod. Many tags can be added, such as below:


Note that by default Polaris adds one tag: application=Polaris. You can override this tag by setting the polaris.metrics.tags.application=<new-value> property.


Traces are published using OpenTelemetry.

By default OpenTelemetry is disabled in Polaris, because there is no reasonable default for the collector endpoint for all cases.

To enable OpenTelemetry and publish traces for Polaris set quarkus.otel.sdk.disabled=false and configure a valid collector endpoint URL with http:// or https:// as the server property quarkus.otel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint.

If these properties are not set, the server will not publish traces.

The collector must talk the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) and the port must be its gRPC port (by default 4317), e.g. “http://otlp-collector:4317”.

By default, Polaris adds a few attributes to the OpenTelemetry Resource to identify the server, and notably:

  • set to Apache Polaris Server (incubating);
  • service.version: set to the Polaris version.

You can override the default resource attributes or add additional ones by setting the quarkus.otel.resource.attributes property.

This property expects a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, where the key is the attribute name and the value is the attribute value. For example, to change the service name to Polaris and add an attribute deployment.environment=dev, set the following property:,deployment.environment=dev

The alternative syntax below can also be used:


Finally, two additional span attributes are added to all request parent spans:

  • The unique identifier of the request, if set by the caller through the Polaris-Request-Id header.
  • polaris.realm: The unique identifier of the realm. Always set (unless the request failed because of a realm resolution error).

Troubleshooting Traces

If the server is unable to publish traces, check first for a log warning message like the following:

SEVERE [] (OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...) Failed to export spans. 
The request could not be executed. Full error message: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4317

This means that the server is unable to connect to the collector. Check that the collector is running and that the URL is correct.


Polaris relies on Quarkus for logging.

By default, logs are written to the console and to a file located in the ./logs directory. The log file is rotated daily and compressed. The maximum size of the log file is 10MB, and the maximum number of backup files is 14.

JSON logging can be enabled by setting the quarkus.log.console.json and quarkus.log.file.json properties to true. By default, JSON logging is disabled.

The log level can be set for the entire application or for specific packages. The default log level is INFO. To set the log level for the entire application, use the quarkus.log.level property.

To set the log level for a specific package, use the quarkus.log.category."package-name".level, where package-name is the name of the package. For example, the package io.smallrye.config has a useful logger to help debugging configuration issues; but it needs to be set to the DEBUG level. This can be done by setting the following property:


The log message format for both console and file output is highly configurable. The default format is:

%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{3.}] [%X{requestId},%X{realmId}] [%X{traceId},%X{parentId},%X{spanId},%X{sampled}] (%t) %s%e%n

Refer to the Logging format guide for more information on placeholders and how to customize the log message format.

MDC Logging

Polaris uses Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) to enrich log messages with additional context. The following MDC keys are available:

  • requestId: The unique identifier of the request, if set by the caller through the Polaris-Request-Id header.
  • realmId: The unique identifier of the realm. Always set.
  • traceId: The unique identifier of the trace. Present if tracing is enabled and the message is originating from a traced context.
  • parentId: The unique identifier of the parent span. Present if tracing is enabled and the message is originating from a traced context.
  • spanId: The unique identifier of the span. Present if tracing is enabled and the message is originating from a traced context.
  • sampled: Whether the trace has been sampled. Present if tracing is enabled and the message is originating from a traced context.

Other MDC keys can be added by setting the polaris.log.mdc.* property. Each property is a key-value pair, where the key is the MDC key name and the value is the MDC key value. For example, to add the MDC keys environment=prod and region=us-west-2 to all log messages, set the following properties:


MDC context is propagated across threads, including in TaskExecutor threads.